Wednesday, July 9, 2008


OMG... everyone is so bumped out. Some are BUMPED out because of failing. Some are BUMPED out because they can't believe they excel. As for me, i'm having the worst day of my life. Here we go again. My judgemental family is going to judge me as a spoilt, useless member of the family.

I know for the past few years i've turned into someone i've never imagine to live my life. I was way different from who i was way back. Some people call it growing up, but for me i guess it's just a stage in life i have to go through. I'm ready to get off my high horse and actually work through it all. Studying is not optional for me anymore, it's an obligation i suppose. I had to learn all this the hard way.

There are things i regret i did in the past semester that i'm not proud of. Supposedly that i go through next semester again, i will work my ass off! I just hope and wish that everything will be okay from now on.


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